What is Lymphatic Fusion™ ?

Over the years I have learned all that I can about our incredible lymph system and what it means to have part of it injured or removed. I’ve also learned that the lymphatic system is a huge part of the immune system and that a sluggish lymph system can cause frequent illness, hormone imbalances, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, digestive problems and get this…weight gain and cellulite among other things.

On the bright side, it’s not difficult to improve the health of this system—a healthy lymphatic system can increase energy, remove toxins from the body, distribute hormones and beneficial nutrients, increase immunity and improve overall general health. 

Lymphatic Fusion™ is a technique I have developed over many years of study on my own lymphatically challenged body and the bodies of hundreds of clients. It is a combination of lymphatic drainage massage, visceral massage and manipulation, soft tissue massage and movement — which draws from my extensive yoga training. Topical application of oils, dry brushing, hydrotherapy and cupping are some additional tools to assist the healthy flow of lymph. These techniques have proven to be highly effective in decreasing the amount of stagnant lymphatic fluid and restoring a healthier flow.

General lymphatic maintenance can, and should, be done regularly so in addition to working on clients I teach you to learn about and work with your own bodies. Even ten minutes a day can make a difference in overall health and wellness! Schedule an appointment today.

Benefits of Lymphatic Fusion™

  • To increase circulation of all body fluids including lymphatic, blood, interstitial, cerebrospinal and synovial fluids. Activation of these fluids helps to reroute stagnant fluids that cause swelling.

  • To drain toxins and excess proteins and to move nutrients and hormones.

  • To stimulate the immune system. Increasing the speed and amount of flow increases the number of antibodies available to fight disease.

  • To decrease pain by moving stagnant or excess fluid from the tissue spaces, thus relieving pressure on the nervous system. Regular lymphatic drainage can, in some cases, dramatically reduce and prevent both pain and muscle spasms.

  • To reduce scar tissue build-up and hydrate tissues.

  • To activate parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for down regulation of the body which has a dramatic affect on heart rate, blood pressure and digestion as well as state of mind. Activation of this system can help diminish sympathetic response - fight or flight- encouraging a more relaxed and comfortable state of being. This can be helpful when dealing with anxiety, depression or stress.

Indications for Lymphatic Fusion™

  • Edema/Lymphedema

  • Acute injury or accident

  • Pre/post surgery

  • Sinus and allergy conditions

  • Headaches/Migraine

  • Bone pathologies - Spinal Pain, meniscus tears, hip and knee replacements sprain, fracture Digestive disorders- constipation, IBS, colitis, Crohns, celiac, colic, hemorrhoids

  • Gynecological Concerns- Painful menstruation or ovulation, post trauma scarring, excessive bleeding, menopause symptoms, postpartum, prolapse, fibroids, hormone imbalances, PMS, infertility, breast pain

  • Prostatitis

  • Burns, scars and bruising

  • Dental, orthodontics

  • Ophthalmology - macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, visual acuity

  • Esthetic- skin tone, wrinkles, bags under eyes, cellulite, eczema

  • Chronic Pain

  • Depression/anxiety, stress- Lymphatic massage can help transport hormones that help down regulate the body

  • Fibromyalgia/CFS

  • Viruses- Epstein Barr, CMV, HIV, cold and flu

  • Pediatrics- Colic, restlessness, tonsillitis, allergy and any condition listed for adults

Who can benefit from this work?

The short answer is, just about everyone. If no contraindications exist most people can benefit greatly from lymphatic drainage. It is often deeply relaxing and should never be painful. If contraindications are respected it is safe and beneficial from infancy to end of life.

What is Visceral Manipulation?

Everything in the universe is in motion. Electrons, mountains, the ocean and the human body. The viscera (organs) of the abdomen, pelvis and chest are surrounded by sliding membranes which allows them to move freely in respect to each other. They slide and glide when we walk, eat, laugh and even breath. The diaphragm completes approximately 22,000 movements a day, the heart beats approximately 120,000 times a day, the full stomach produces peristaltic waves every three minutes and the kidneys move 3 cm with each breath. If these action are altered due to any pathology the natural rhythm can change dramatically causing pathologies, tissue changes and restrictions to develop. These restrictions decrease the mobility of the viscera causing further restrictions, scar tissue and eventually functional and systemic problems.

Visceral manipulation, or in very simple terms, organ massage, can help decrease these restrictions and pathologies and restore the viscera to its healthy, slippery, mobile self.

Why combine Lymphatic and Visceral Massage?

Half of our lymph system resides in the gut, which is why I find it so valuable to combine lymphatic and visceral massage. Removing excess fluids and toxins from the organs and spaces surrounding the organs can restore health and vitality more effectively than one modality alone.


Resources coming soon!